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Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Snowed In
It was wonderful , besides Wyatt you were a little under the weather I think your tummy was hurting. Lets just say we went through lots of diapers today. Today was one of those days that I wish I could get at least once a month. I loved the weather! I loved being stuck inside with the whole family! I loved that we had no where to be! I loved that we all got to stay in our pj's! I loved that you two got to play and do whatever you wanted and Mommy didn't have one meltdown! I loved that Allyson got to watch Max and Ruby how ever many times you wanted! I loved that Wyatt got to sleep a lot today! I loved that Daddy didn't have to go to work! I loved that we had hot dogs and mac n cheese for dinner! I loved that Mommy caught up on laundry! I loved that we got to clean your rooms! Lets just say today was a good day at the Leonard house!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The Hair Cut.....
So today is Tuesday and we do the same thing every Tuesday........
Mommy and us go to Mimi's house and play with our friends till 4..
Then we head to Moore and meet daddy for dinner somewhere...
Daddy and Wyatt go home and do boy stuff...
Mommy and Ally go to Tippi Toes and DANCE...
Mommy went to Tippi Toes and got you ready to dance just like I do every Tuesday. Here is Ally at her Tippi Toes, she is doing her favorite pose (they call it airplane arms)
And Daddy was supposed to take you home and play, but instead he took you home and decided to shave your head!!!! Even thou you look so cute. Mommy was so sad because I missed it. I missed your first haircut, I missed getting to have pictures of your first haircut, I missed getting to see your reaction, I missed getting to see your daddy when he was giving you your first haircut and most of all I just missed it. I know some people may not understand but I am your mama and I want to be there for all of your first. So I was so upset on the drive home from Tippi Toes and when Ally heard me tell daddy that I was sad I miss it, she sad "Mommy we are so sad" so the moment we walked in the door and she saw that daddy really cut your hair she just starting crying and she cried for like 10 minutes and she was so upset with daddy. Wyatt I know being a boy that this may not be important to you but I am going to be so sad that we don't have pictures to show you one day or at least to put in your baby book but daddy did do one good thing, he did keep your hair!!!!!!! So that is the story about your first hair cut.........
Mommy and us go to Mimi's house and play with our friends till 4..
Then we head to Moore and meet daddy for dinner somewhere...
Daddy and Wyatt go home and do boy stuff...
Mommy and Ally go to Tippi Toes and DANCE...
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Date Night
We got invited to one of Michael's coworkers weddings. So we decided to make a date night of it. We went out to eat before hand, we decided on Zios. Then we went to the reception and had a blast. I got to meet a lot of the people that he works with. It was nice to finally get to put a face with the name. Michael may of had a better time then me, he got to have a couple of drinks (okay maybe more then a couple) but I had a blast just sitting back and watching some of them make fools of themselves. They were all out there dancing and having a great time. I met some of the wives, and some I liked better then others. Well after that we came home, and enjoyed each other company. Then off to bed and I think I slept till like noon, yeah I haven't done that in along time. As soon as I finally rolled out of bed, I went straight to Mimi and Pop's house to pick up the kiddos. Then Mimi and us went to our favorite place in the world WAL-MART. Yes I know I would live there if I could and yes they do get all of our money, so I guess we could call it our bank. Anyways when I got home we played hide and seek ( Allyson you just learned how to play this game and now you want to play it all the time) we had a blast. So it was a great weekend, sad to see it over but I am ready to get back on schedule.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Dear God.....
Dear God...
Please grant me the strength and patience, that I need to raise my 2 year old (that is a toddler trapped in a teenager's body) and my 1 old (that is all boy). I had a odd day yesterday with the two of you. See Wyatt you are a biter and I think you bit like 5 kids this week, not counting your sissy because you bite her like 5 times a day. I had to call 2 parents this week and tell them that we were so sorry that you bit their kid. So that was hard for Mommy even thou I know you were in the wrong , I am still a "momma bear" and I want to protect you from anyone thinking you are the mean kid in daycare. Daddy and I are trying hard to break this bad habit that you have, but for some reason it is getting worse. You are picking up even more bad habits like pulling hair, hitting, pinching, and scratching. So God if you are listening please help me with my little boy and his bad habits. Please grant me the strength I need to stay strong. Now Allyson you made some "bad choices" yesterday at Mimi's house. Mimi had to call me and tell me that you chose not to listen very well. You told her "Mimi you are not brother boss" where you learned that I have no clue. You told her "No I not want to help pick up" and "NO" when she told you to stop running. So we grounded you from picking out any movies for you to watch, and you are having a hard time with it. Because right now you are obsessed with "Max and Ruby". So again God I am asking you to grant me the patience's I need with my 2 old. I try to remember you are just 2, but people are telling me that 3's are worst. So God help us! So when we got home last night, we ate dinner and off to bed for the kiddos. You both woke up early and mommy is still needing strength and patience because it has all started again. Same stuff, different day! Both fighting, Wyatt biting, pulling hair, and pinching, Ally melt downs. And now you both are playing together and I am enjoying the moment because you two are getting along right now. So I gotta go and join in because God only know how long it will last.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wyatt and his special blanket

So today was a long day. I was a little under the weather and Michael forgot to give Wyatt his blanket this morning to take to Mimi's house. So we had to go all day without it. It wasn't to bad but it was hard for the little guy as soon as we got home, he found it and he just started hugging it tight and laughing. So needles to say "glad this day is over" and we are going to go to bed early because mommy needs some rest. So this blog is short, but we are off to bed.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The Anniversary Night
So our anniversary is today. We have been married for 7 wonderful years. Well we decided to go out and celebrate the big occasion last night since we both had the whole day off. Well this is how it all went down. Allyson had a ear doctor appointment so after that we dropped the kids off at Mimi and Pops house. We headed to the movie theater to see Aviator and eat in the balcony. We got there and of course they were sold out. Then we just decided to go eat and see the Blind Side, well we got done eating at 7:15 and the movie started at 9:45, we didn't want to stay out that late (yes I know we are nerds). So we walked around the mall to waste time, got bored of that real quick. Went to see if there was a movie to rent and just our luck, nothin we want to see. So then I came up with the idea to go to a drive-inn movie and of course they are closed for the season. So we just laughed about everything and decide to go home. So we ended up watching all of our Monday night shows and hanging out just the two us. It was a good time and I think that both of us had a blast. We needed a night like that, just me and my best friend in the whole wide world. He is the greatest thing that is ever happen to me and I feel like the luckiest woman in the world to have a great man like him to call my husband.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Birthday Party
Today the family went to my nephew Brody's birthday party at Express Ranches ( as Ally would say the farm). It was a blast the kiddos had so much fun. They got to see and pet the horses, chase the poor little cat around and run around the yard all day. They needed that. I think Brody made out like a champ with all of the gifts that he got. So I think that everyone had a great day. Thanks to the Mock for letting us have such a great family fun day. Here are some cute pictures that I took today. Allyson finally had some place to get to wear her "cowboy pants" and her "seat belt" that means chaps and belt and Wyatt was the cutest cowboy that I have ever seen!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Sick Baby
I have been so busy giving my little boy much needed care. He has been sick the last two days and has not let me put him down, so I have been just giving him lots and lots of lovins. I took him to the doctor today and he has a sinus infection and it has all settled in his eyes. So his eyes are all puffy and he has a nasty cough with a none stop runny nose. She gave him some eye drops which he hates and I hate putting them in his eyes because it is a fight. I am guessing it burns. She also gave him some antibiotic and he loves the taste of that. So we are going on little sleep and lots of lovins. Ally is still Ally lots and lots of energy. She hates that her brother will not get up to play with her. And she got very upset when we had to put drops in brother eyes. She didn't understand why we were making him cry (it was sad). Well Wyatt is in my lap right now and he is needing some lovins so I need to cater to him now. Ready for this week to be over.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Well today was a easy day went to mom's helped out at the daycare. The kids are crazy. They need so time to go play outside so they can run all their sillys out. The weather need to warm up. But I am not going to complain because I love the cold weather. Ally Jo had Tippi Toes today and she did awesome this time. Every time is different we have our good days and our bad days there. I don't think Wyatt is feeling 100 percent today his back teeth are coming in so he is a little extra crabby today. I hate when my babies are not feeling good. Anyways I just wanted to write about my day. Nothing great just an easy laid back day.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Lazy Sundays My Favorite
Well today was the topical Sunday at the Leonard house. We woke up around 8 this morning because Wyatt was ready to play. Then I went and picked Allyson up from Mimi and Pop's house. Then me and her were off to Wal-Mart and spent way to much money there like we always do. Then came home picked up the house. Had the best dinner ever chicken and dumplings my favorite. And then off to watch our Sunday night shows. Both of the kiddos were in bed by 9:45. So I just got done picking up all their toys and now me and the hubby are off to bed. Just wanted to tell about my day. Nothing to excited just a great day with the family and those are my favorite kind of days.
PS Allyson wanted Wyatt to play Tinkerbell with her. When he started hitting everyone with his wand and not playing the way she wanted him to. She was upset and said "This is not the way we play Tinkerbell" so it didn't last long.
PS Allyson wanted Wyatt to play Tinkerbell with her. When he started hitting everyone with his wand and not playing the way she wanted him to. She was upset and said "This is not the way we play Tinkerbell" so it didn't last long.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
The Concert
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